Saturday, July 1, 2023

the pilot

So week one of MTC is over! My first day was really confusing and I had no idea what I was doing or anything XD. But after I got into class and met my district and my comp, life got a lot better! 

My comp, Elder Miller, is awesome! He and I get along super well and like a lot of the same things. I'm super blessed to have him as my companion. I hope he doesn't get tired of my stories because it only been a week and man I've told A LOT of stories. 

My district is an absolute party!! We've been having a blast together and I feel like our lessons are always super spiritual and exciting! We have 14 people in the district so it's one of the biggest ones and man do they know how to party! 8 weeks with them is gonna be a breeze!

I pretty much am on zoom lessons and things from like 7:00am-9:30pm with some breaks in between for food and stuff. So it's been super busy. I'm pretty sure melatonin is the only reason I'm able to function every day. Having to go to bed at 10:30 and wake up at 6:30 is very different from my old schedule of going to bed at 4am and waking up at 1:00pm XD. 

Sorry but I haven't got a lot of pictures this week since I've just been stuck in my room for like 22 hours a day. But I got a couple of pictures of our district and might I just say that they are looking fire 🔥 

If you got any questions feel free to email me and ask!

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