Sunday, September 1, 2024

the one where the baker became a chef

"Boom, you looking for this?"

Starting with Monday, we had a pretty chill day... We went to a steakhouse with a member for his birthday and for one of the guys I'm living with's birthday! After that, we went home, and my comp took a FAT nap because he wasn't feeling too hot. After that, we pulled up to Kai's house and had a Takopa! It's a Takoyaki (octopus balls) party! We had a great time and he had bought a bunch of cakes for Elder Seegmiller's birthday, which was so fun!

Thursday, we went out to Starbucks with our American friend Jake. He's also Christian, and we had a really good conversation about the different things we believe in, and we're gonna meet up again sometime soon! We also went to lunch with one of our members and it was a great time!

Friday, we had our ping pong night again! We had quite a few people come and it was as fun as usual... I'm getting pretty good if I do say so myself. When I get home, I'll be ready to take anyone on (Yep, that includes you, Short Stacks).

Saturday we had eikaiwa (English class) and it was so great! I was able to have a really good conversation with one of the other elders' friends about the gospel and what we do as missionaries! I also got to talk with this sick dude named Tokuhara who loves classic rock! We had a good time talking about our favorite bands and different concerts we have seen!

Sunday, we had Kai and Mima both come to church! It was Mima's first week after being baptized, and he is just the best! We started doing the after baptism lessons with him, and he is going to get the priesthood and a temple recommend next week! We also are having a big concert right at the beginning of next transfer so we all (like a ton of missionaries) got together to practice it! After that, we went home, and I started going crazy in the kitchen. I mean, like some serious cheffing was done... I made some nice, deep-fried chicken and turned it into an absolutely delectable sandwich. After that, I made my first blooming onion, and it was pretty fetching good... I've got pics on the album if you wanna check 'em out. 

Spiritual Thought:

2 Nephi 26:12-13

And as I spake concerning the convincing of the Jews, that Jesus is the very Christ, it must needs be that the Gentiles be convinced also that Jesus is the Christ, the Eternal God; 

13 And that he manifesteth himself unto all those who believe in him, by the power of the Holy Ghost; yea, unto every nation, kindred, tongue, and people, working mighty miracles, signs, and wonders, among the children of men according to their faith.

"Almost certainly God is not in Time. His life doesn't consist of moments following one another. 
The point I want to drive home is that God has infinite attention, infinite leisure to spare for each one of us. 
He doesn't have to take us in the line. You're as much alone with Him as if you were the only thing He'd ever created. 
When Christ died, He died for you individually just as much as if you'd been the only man in the world."
—C.S. Lewis

Well, that's all I got this week! Feel free to email me! 
That's all, folks.  
Takoyaki party with Kai and Takafumi!

This is what a steak looks like in Japan...

Steakhouse with the Irie ๅ…„ๅผŸ

Ah yeah... Got my boys with me

A couple of late baptism flicks...

Ah yeah....

Birthday flicks...

Made us some nice chicken sandwiches๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ

So fetching ็พŽๅ‘ณใ—ใ„๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜‹

Had to finish it off...

Blooming Onion baby๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ”ฅ

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the one where he finally became a dad

  "Boom, you looking for this?" Starting with Monday, we had kinda a tough P Day and didn't really do much, but I had a lot of...