Sunday, February 25, 2024

the one where everything changed

"Boom, you looking for this?"

Holy, this was a good week...

Starting with Tuesday, we made it to shikoku and spent the day in wakayama. We went to a second-hand store and a few other places to go shopping and had a pretty laid back p day. We stayed there because my comp and another misisonary's comp were going to MLC (missionary leadership council) that night and it was going to save some travel so we just spent the day there. Because of that, I went on exchanges on Tuesday before I was really even comps with my new comp (Elder Holmes). 

Wednesday, we went to work in toyoka, which is where this elder (Elder Coates) was assigned. It was a pretty basic day of missionary work, and we had a good time. We spent the night there and it was a fun day.

Thursday, we left to go meet up with our actual comps, and once we all met up, we ate some lunch at this ramen shop, which was hekkin good. After that, Elder Holmes and I started making the long journey to our area. We had a long day of travel ahead of us, but we made it back to our area just in time for eikaiwa (english class) and had some fun people come! I was so happy to FINALLY be in my area, and Uwajima is awesome! It is SUPER η”°θˆŽ (country side), so we have to be more creative with how we do missionary work.

Friday & Saturday were mostly regular days of missionary work except for the fact that we saw SO MANY more miracles than I've ever seen so far! Elder Holmes and I get along so well, and it's really been showing in the missionary work! We are really hoping to spend two transfers together 🀞🀞

Sunday, we had a really good day at church, but it was looonnggg. After that, we went to a couple of shrines and found so many people to talk to, and we met a professional photographer at one of them! She took so many amazing pictures and offered to take some pics of Elder Holmes and I! Check the photos album to see some amazing pics of cherry blossoms!

The reason for the title is that this week was AMAZING! I mean, my mission was good before, but now!? "Oh man! I'm still geeking out about it!" –Syndrome (the incredibles).

My new comp and I have seen so many miracles, and these two transfers with him are going to fly by! We have been doing so many creative ways to do missionary work, and it's been so fun, and we are seeing so much success! In about two days we found four people! We made some really big goals this transfer, and I know that as long as you work as hard as you can, the Lord will magnify your efforts to achieve your goals!

Spiritual thought:

2 Nephi 26:30

Behold, the Lord hath forbidden this thing; wherefore, the Lord God hath given a commandment that all men should have charity, which charity is love. And except they should have charity they were nothing. Wherefore, if they should have charity, they would not suffer the laborer in Zion to perish.

"To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything, and your heart will be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact, you must give it to no one, not even an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements. Lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket, safe, dark, motionless, airless, it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable. To love is to be vulnerable."
–C.S. Lewis

Todays message is all about love!! I know I talk about it a lot, but it's just the best, so here we go again...

To simply put it: through love, everything else works out. When we love God and our neighbors, everything in our lives will get better. With this new transfer, I have an AMAZING comp, and together, we have been working so hard on loving the people of Japan. We have seen so many miracles come from it, and it's only gonna get better!

Sometimes it can be really hard to love others around you for a plethora of reasons, but if you do your best to love everyone, your life will be better! Other times, we forget to tell others around us that we love them, so just in case you haven't heard it in a while, I love you! And I want you to tell that to someone who you think could use a little extra loving! ζ„›γ—γ¦γ‚‹γ‚ˆγ†!

That's all I got this week, but feel free to email me if you get a chance!

Ended up seeing a professional photographer and she offered to take some pics

Found some mammoths on the way to my area

Ping pong game night with some recent members

Hitting up the shrine that's right next to the church

After a long time, I'm finally with my comp

Not much for art, "but this does put a smile on my face"

"Everybody was kung fu fighting"

On our way up to a castle

Made it to the top and here's the castle!

Got some sweet cherry blossoms at the top

Sick day with the comp

Full view from the top

Closer pic of the 摜

Bamboo forest

Hit up another shrine with some more early blooming cherry blossoms

View from the top

Some more sick pics with my greatest possession

So many fire flicks πŸ”₯

Even more

This one's for my mama

The lookout over the graveyard

This is the new pose

New profile picπŸ”₯

Last little shrine and this was the ceiling

More fire flicks with the new comp

Looking like family pics


She knew what she was doing...

Holy this one's my favorite πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

Her pics are so much better than oursπŸ”₯

Close up on the 摜(cherry blossoms)

More of her pics

Hope you like 'em

Japan is so sick


One more of the statue

Last pic of the trees...they are just so cool

The awesome lady that took the pics!!πŸ”₯πŸ”₯


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  "Boom, you looking for this?" Starting with Monday, we had kinda a tough P Day and didn't really do much, but I had a lot of...