Monday, October 9, 2023

the one with sheila

"Another day, another Doug"
-Korg (the rock dude) from Thor: Ragnarok 

Had another great week in Nebraska! 

Starting on Monday we went golfing and then we were going to go to this mexican food truck for lunch which we've been meaning and trying to go to for a loooong time but it was closed so we went to a place called runza instead (most disappointing meal of my life...and thats counting my mom's butternut squash soup). Then spent the day at the church playing games and stuff as usual.

Thursday we had zone cenference! It was a ton of fun but like a 2 hour drive away from us. And of course we went to texas roadhouse again for dinner (such a good tradition). After, we went to some other elder's church and played basketball with them. And got back to the apartment pretty late.

Friday we went to that mexican food truck we had been meaning to go to and it was well worth the wait...which made runza that much more disappointing. 

Every other day this week was pretty normal. 

There is this one chick named Sheila though and shes been... interesting to be around. Basically her sons are all drug addicts and she's been letting one of her craziest son's (Derek) friends live with her for 6 years (Ashley) whos also a drug addict. And its a long story but one of dereks friends has been slashing Sheila's tires on her car like 3 days a week (feels bad but also kinda funny) so she is just pumping through tires. And now her landlord is pissed at her and wants her to move out (a whole other story). Because of this, we've been spending a lot of time with her and she calls us almost every night and just rants for like an hour. She's really funny though and we always make fun of her sons and Ashley together because they've been stealing money from Sheila and stuff. 

I honestly think Sheila is like 90% of the reason this week went by so fast. Its been fun to talk with her and we had a pretty fun and heated conversation with her landlord. The whole situation is ridiculous and soooo funny XD.

Anyway, that was my whole week...not to much to report but it was a quick week which was super nice.

Feel free to email me!!

Context for pics:
- I got a sick Obi Wan action figure and he can do flips
- A video of me jumping off the top loft in our apartment (it had to be done)
- An epic torta that I got at the food truck

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the one with Bill

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