Monday, October 2, 2023

the one with the cops

Hey guys!! Had another good week and finally something exciting happened in Nebraska!!

Starting on monday we went out for lunch again. This time we went to a REALLY good BBQ place called phat jacks. After that we went to the church and spent lots of time playing some fun sports. 

Tuesday we had a lesson set up for a guy at like 7:30 and when we went to his apartment it was completely surrounded by cops. We started asking around and apparently there was a guy that was hiding out in the apartment and the police had a warrant out for his arrest. He must have had some serious weapons because the cops were staying outside. As time went on, the cops got replaced by swat and dogs. There were probably 20-25 swat police surrounding the building all with ARs. Then a massive armoured vehicle pulled up and they cleared the streets. No way we were going home now, we were way too invested. We pulled around to the other side and camped out for another 45 minutes or an hour. Every 30 seconds they would yell at him to "come outside with his hands up and empty to insure his safety." Finally we hear *thunk* followed by a window shattering. We dont know for sure but were pretty sure it was tear gas. Then after another minute we saw the cops finally pull him out and all the cops and swat cleared out. It was a pretty dope night and I was so glad we happened to have a lesson so we could see that.

Wednesday was exchanges so I spent the day with an Elder named Elder Griffeth. We had a party and taught lots of Hispanics (he speaks spanish) which was a fun change of pace. 

Thursday my comp, Elder Evans, got mouth surgery. He had some big infection and he needed to get a bone graph. So we did that in the morning and spent the rest of the day indoors. I spent pretty much the whole day reading the Book of Mormon and later in the day we played lots of card games. 

Saturday was General Conference! Sadly I didn't get to watch much of it...we spent the whole day finding people and trying to get them to watch it. We did have some time to watch it with some of our friends though. We would go to their house and watch like 20 minutes of it with them and then tell them to keep watching it until it ended XD. 

Sunday was pretty much the exact same. We went around all day turning it on for people and watching bits and pieces of it throughout the day. 

Overall the week was good but SOOO slow. Tuesday was a party and I'm hoping to have some more days like that XD. One of the best parts of the week was that we had a member meal every single day this week! It was soooo nice to not really have to worry about food. Funny thing is because Elder Evans had surgery, he couldn't eat real food so I got LOTS of food. There was always some leftovers in the fridge.

Thats all for this week! Feel free to email me!

Context for pics:

- The BBQ place we ate at on Monday
- A little kid named James whos been outside almost everytime we go and see Thet, Minn, and Aung
- More snowcones 
- videos of the cops

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