Sunday, December 3, 2023

the one where he had to sing

Another killer week has gone by in Japan!

Starting with Tuesday, we went to kobe for P-day and had a blast! We went to this super good burger place and they had Kobe Beef burgers which are SOOO good. After having an amazing burger we went to a nearby park and played spikeball for like 4 hours. After that we went to this super dope store and they had TONS of sick things to buy. Sadly, I'm broke so I didn't get anything.

Friday we went on exchanges! I was with Kondel 長老 and it was super fun! He actually grew up in highland so we knew some of the same people which was fun. But he did go to Lone Peak, and he Likes the Utah Utes so, he's got some repenting to do.

Saturday we had a choir concert. I didn't find out that I was in it until a few days ago but it went surprisingly well. We got to go to Osaka for it which was fun and we spent basically the whole day there practicing for the concert and then performing. The choir that I sang in was full of missionaries from all over the mission so I got to meet TONS of new people and see some old friends. I got to see Elder Hogge who I haven't seen since the MTC which was great. We just told eachother all of the crazy things that have happened in our reassignments and it was a ton of fun. I also got to see Shoplift 長老 and we last saw eachother like 2 weeks ago when we first got to Japan.  

Sunday was fast Sunday which was so great! Because it was fast sunday, the members FILLED the basket full of food! It was so awesome and we got tons of food to try!! 

Overall it was such a good week and I got nothing to complain about! Feel free to email me!

The Google photos album is super messed up because the church ran out of storage so I'm back to the old way of showing pics.

Context for pics:
- Long story, but we needed to take a pic of us in our "singing pose" 
- Our first attempt at the pose
- Super good indo curry which cheese non bread
- Exchanges so all of us were there together
- Another reuniting, with the boys
- The Concert 

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the one with Bill

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