Monday, November 27, 2023

the one where he got a hammock

Had my first full week in Japan!! It was awesome and I love it here!

Starting on Monday, we went to a super awesome shrine and I got lots of pictures on the album! We also went out to eat and got some REALLY good food. One of the best things about Japan is everything is sooo cheap. The massive meal I got was like 7 bucks :) 

On Wednesday we went on exchanges with the APs which was so awesome! I went with Kawada長老 and it was an amazing day! He's native to Japan but he still spoke English so I was able to learn a lot of Japanese from him. 

Thursday was Thanksgiving! We had to do something special for dinner so we went to KFC! Which was good? It was just SO much less food than the one we have in America. It was still good though and pretty much the only place where you can get slabs of meat🤣

Friday was a pretty regular day but at the end of the day on Fridays we go to the church and play ping pong with the members and anyone that wants to come. It's was super fun but I definitely need to practice ping pong more🤣

Saturday was a regular day and we had a couple lessons which went really well. One of them is with this dude named Ismael and he speaks english and Turkish which means we teach him in english and its WAY easier. We also tought our eikaiwa (english class) at the end of the day and had an awesome lesson with Makoto さん. 

Sunday was awesome! In church, we had the primary program! Man I don't think there's a lot of things more humbling than having a bunch of 4 year olds get to pulpit and start dropping bars that you cant understand. They did sing "love one another" in english though and it was absolute gas 🔥. We also got tons of food from the members from the basket in church. We got lots of super good oranges and chocolate and tons of other food. 

Monday was ZONE CONFERENCE!! Which was so fun! We got up and went to Kobe, which is where the mission home and church is, and spent almost the entire day there. We talked so much about how the mission is doing and some of the things President Sano wants to do differently. Overall it was super fun and super spiritual! After ZC we went back home but on our way back, we stopped and I snagged a hammock from this place called Daiso. Its basically a dollar tree but the stuff there is actually good. Now me and my comp both have one! We finished the day with setting the hammock up and getting pumped for P day! 

Sooo this week was super awesome and its been a blast being here so far. I'm in SUCH a good area and there's really nothing to complain about! 

Feel free to email me anytime!!

first real meal in the field

pday on a massive hike to a shrine

fig bish

dope views near the top

probably the coolest thing we saw on pday

sick statue

massive spider that my mom would love

cool gates close to the top

some fire drinks Elder Hall told me to get

another sick pond--this time with a bridge

finally the view from the top

another sick shrine

the main shrine

the coolest fountain of all time

another view on our way to a different lake

the lake

super dope Gundam

more food

natto...yeah it's pretty nasty

SUPER fire ice cream

Exchanges with the APs

Thanksgiving dinner!! 美味しい

First Thanksgiving in Japan...gotta hit up KFC

sick fountain where we do our studies

fire donuts

your boys with banger donuts

Kobe Zone Conference

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the one with uno

  "Boom, you looking for this?" Starting with Monday, we had a pretty chill P day. We just called the fam, got lunch at McDonald&#...