Sunday, April 7, 2024

the one where he went to a garden party

"Boom, you looking for this?"

Starting with Tuesday, we spent the P day with the Toyo elders again and just spent the day going around their area and finding fun things to do. We went home that night and got back to Uwajima late. 

Wednesday we had a seminar that we got invited to by some members in our ward who live in America but visit because they own a house in our area and he made it seem like it was a gospel seminar or something but it was about quantum physics, pressure points, and some other crazy stuff. So that was when we found out that guy is a little crazy because he was like "Yeah these pressure points help out with stress and stuff and so does the Word of Wisdom so this is basically the Word of Wisdom." So that was a fun day.

Thursday, we had eikaiwa, and a new person showed up! She is super cool and seemed mildly interested in the spiritual message at the end. Hopefully, she keeps coming and wants to learn more!

Friday we went to the field to play ball with the boys but it was raining so we didn't end up doing much so hopefully the next game has better weather. We also found a massive blue worm with a rainbow tail so that was fetchin' sick. 

Saturday, we got invited to a garden party by the ward, and not only were we 60 years younger than everyone there, we were the only dudes. We just sat, talked, and then ripped random plants from the ground and ate them... it was eventful. And then that night we played basketball with one of our friends, Dexter. He brought a bunch of his buddies, and all 20 of them are from the Phillippines, and it was a blast! They invited us to come again next week, so hopefully, this becomes another weekly sports activity.

Sunday was General Conference!! Oh yeah!! It was so awesome!! Lots and lots of talks about covenants and the temple!! That took up pretty much the whole day, but it was so good!

Spiritual thought:

Mosiah 16:9

He is the light and the life of the world; yea, a light that is endless, that can never be darkened; yea, and also a life which is endless, that there can be no more death.

"But the thing for us to do is to live according to the light and intelligence that God has revealed to us in this dispensation, that we may be in harmony with the heavenly powers and with heavenly beings, and especially with our Lord Jesus Christ, who stands at our head, who is our lawgiver, our exemplar, and the way of life and salvation to all the world, through whom we may enter into the celestial kingdom of God, and without whom we can never enter that state of glory worlds without end. He is the way, the light and life of the world; and whosoever will obey the commandments He has given, and do the works which he has done, and commanded us to do, shall not walk in the darkness, but shall have in them the light of life."
–Joseph F. Smith

Today I want to talk about Christ because he is the reason all of us are here, why we have all the amazing things we do (like General Conference) and through him we are able to return with God again! He really loves us SOO much, and if we do what he has asked us, we will be UNBELIEVABLY happy! I know that through Jesus Christ, all things are possible, and I am so grateful for everything he has done for us. 

I hope you will let Christ be the light in your life and the one to help guide you through this unpredictable life. I know that if you let Him, He will fill your life with amazing blessings and fortune untold. 

Well, that's all I got this week! I hope everyone had a great week and that they loved General Conference! Feel free to email me!
We found a fetchin' sick blue worm

Oh yeah first day in the promised land

New comp new dogs #46

I caught a butterfly...

Thought it was dead...

Turns out it's alive...

桜 outside our apartment

The trek up to the baseball field we make like 3 times a week

View of Uwajima

Wanted to make it look like I was sneezing it out,
but it just looks like I'm gonna eat it

It's got a rainbow tail

Another flick of the Jim (uwajima)

Found a wolf spider my mom would like

Oh yeah dog #47

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the one where he finally became a dad

  "Boom, you looking for this?" Starting with Monday, we had kinda a tough P Day and didn't really do much, but I had a lot of...