Sunday, June 9, 2024

the one with burgers and taco...bell?

"Boom, you looking for this?"

Starting with Monday, we had a pretty average day and spent most of the day in the church. But that night, we went to dinner with one of our members and got some super good Okonomiyaki. Apparently, he has been going to the place for over 50 years, and the same old lady has worked there the whole time. 

Tuesday we met up with one of our friends and he wanted to try Taco Bell (there is one in my area and we walked past it last time we ate with this guy) so of course I jumped on that opportunity and told him next time we met up, we'd go get Taco Bell. Holy crap. America wins. I could eat there every day and feel so good about myself. It tastes almost the exact same as America (although the menu is smaller), but I have missed it so much. They dont really have SUPER good American food here, and Mexican food is almost impossible to find, so getting to eat both at the same time was hekkin refreshing. 

Thursday, our friend Mima wanted to take us out, so we went and got some tonkatsu with him, and it was absolutely fire. This was definitely a good week for food (and I'm just getting started). That night, another one of our friends, Kai, wanted to meet up at an izakaya (a Japanese bar), but they also have good food, so we pulled up. We got a TON of food. Most of it was sushi or some other type of fish, and it was some of the best sushi I've had in Japan. Luckily, he paid for us because it was EXPENSIVE

Friday, we went on Exchanges, and I got the absolute pleasure of going around with Elder Haws for the day. We have been around each other a few times for P day or other events, and we've gotten along really well. We had a really good day, and for lunch, we went to the infamous "Burgers and Tacos" for lunch. This place is a mission legend, and I HAD to go. Supposedly, it's got some of the best burgers in Japan, and let me tell you, it did not disappoint... This is the first place I've been to where they give you gloves because they know how messy the burgers are. It was absolutely phenomenal. If you're curious about the size or the burger in general, I got lots of pics this week of all the food I ate. Also, that night, we met up with one of their friends and went out for dinner. It was only McDonald's, but eh still pretty good. 

Saturday, we went out to lunch with one of our friends named Akansha, and we went with the other Elders and a church member. We went to this Indian restaurant, and yeah, it was pretty fire. We also had eikaiwa! At eikaiwa we had like 15 people come so it was a lot of fun! After eikaiwa, we finally, for like the first time, ate at the apartment😆😆

Spiritual Thought: 

So we see, brethren and sisters, that the words of Christ can be a personal Liahona for each of us, showing us the way. Let us not be slothful because of the easiness of the way. Let us in faith take the words of Christ into our minds and into our hearts as they are recorded in sacred scripture and as they are uttered by living prophets, seers, and revelators. Let us with faith and diligence feast upon the words of Christ, for the words of Christ will be our spiritual Liahona telling us all things what we should do.
– W. Rolfe Kerr

Alright, well to keep with the theme of food, today I wanted to talk about FEASTING on the words of Christ! Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE burgers and Taco Bell and all of this other food, but man, nothing comes even close to how much I LOVE the gospel of Jesus Christ! I know that as we feast on the words of Christ, every aspect of our lives will improve! 

Well, that's all I got. Feel free to email me! 

That's all, folks!

The actual best burger in Japan

Okonomiyaki with a member (he took the pic so he's not in it)

Pic with all of us together


Our buddy we ate out with


Our sick friend Mima

My brother Elder Haws

Had to get dogs with him too...#60

Indian restaurant with another friend!

Making dill sour cream chicken like my mom!

Sunday Nikes

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