Sunday, October 27, 2024

the one where he killed his comp

 "Boom, you looking for this?"

Starting with Monday, we had probably the best P day of my mission so far, and we went to Round 1 and did bowling, billiards, and a bunch of other stuff pretty much ALL day! It was super great, and it was district P day, so everyone pulled up and had a good time.

Tuesday, we had DCM, and one of our members, Yuki姉妹 pulled up to say goodbye since my comp was leaving the next day and eat lunch with us. Of course, we all went to McDonald's, and after, we all got ice cream together! After that, we did some packing and then went to our first dinner appointment that day. We went to the Maki's house (super dope family in the ward that I played Uno with like a month ago). We had some really good tonkatsu, and they all said goodbye to Lopes. After that, we went to dinner with one of our friends, Maiさん and had some really good ramen and let her say goodbye to Lopes. This week was full of a lot of goodbyes...

Wednesday, we went to the mission home and played some basketball with all the guys going home and then had their goodbye devotional. All the missionaries going home share a final testimony, and it's everyone's last chance to see them. We also had institute at Kobe and played some more sports before doing an institute lesson. It was super fun, and the mission president's wife made dinner for all of the missionaries leaving, and then we all got the leftovers... Good stuff.

Thursday we got up and went on a final little walk with all of the guys and then ate breakfast together and I went home by myself😏😏 3 hour ride home and the first time I've been alone in over a year... Weird feeling 🤣🤣 When I got home, I met up with the other guys, and we went to dinner with the Clark's again!! They are the best family in our ward, and the wife made some AMAZING Mexican food for us😆😆😆 it was such a good day😁

Friday, we went to get sushi together and POUNDED a ton of sushi... The rest of the day was mostly packing and a couple of meetings. 

Saturday, we all kinda split up because it was transfer day!! There were a few guys staying at our apartment, and then three of us left to the station to pick up our new comps!. My new comp is Elder Wynn!!! He is also from American Fork, we were in the same MTC district, served in the same reassigmment, and got to Japan the same day. Safe to say we have one or two things in common. It's gonna be a party of a transfer, and I'm so pumped to rock Okayama together 😆😆

Sunday, we had Stake Conference! It was great and the Clark's gave us a ride because it was a good two hours away from the church because no church building is big enough to fit everyone for the meeting 😆😆 We got to meet up with a bunch of missionaries from all over and it was sick! I got to see my boy Elder Campbell (we were comps in my last area a, d he's an absolute legend) a, d it was fun to catch up and see how things have been going for him. He actually transferred into my zone, so I'll get to see him a fair bit, which I'm super excited for 😁😆

Overall, it was such a good week, and I am BEYOND excited for this transfer!! I can't wait to work with Elder Wynn, and it's gonna be a fun 6 weeks! 😆😁
Spiritual Thought:

1 Nephi 3:7

And it came to pass that I, Nephi, said unto my father: I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them.

That trust comes from knowing God. More than any other people on earth, we have, through the glorious events of the Restoration of the gospel, felt the peace that the Lord offered His people with the words “Be still, and know that I am God.” My heart is filled with gratitude for what God has revealed about Himself that we might trust Him.
—Henry B. Eyring

Well, that's all I got this week! Feel free to email me if you have time! 

That's all, folks. 

Bowling with the gang!

District Pday with everyone!
Started with some billiards with my boy Otahara長老

Otahara 長老 and I did a couple of arcade games....

Lopes's last day! Flicked up with an awesome member, Yuki姉妹

Missionaries with Yuki

The boys... Yours truly is rocking the Tom and Jerry tie 😆

Ate with the Watanabes, and said more goodbyes

Dinner with the Maki family!!

A flick with everyone... Lots of saying goodbye to Lopes

Got a flick with the whole district

Dropping him off... Had to go to McDonald's for the final time 😭😭
Dinner with the Clark's! They are the best! She made us some FIRE Mexican food 🤌

Ate out with our recently baptized member... Masahiro is an absolute legend

Lopes is gone and I rocked the day with these guys...
Had to get a dog... #77

Waiting for the new comp...

First day with my man Wynn長老

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the one where he finally became a dad

  "Boom, you looking for this?" Starting with Monday, we had kinda a tough P Day and didn't really do much, but I had a lot of...