Saturday, July 15, 2023

the one where he got snacks

Heyy! My first full week at the MTC and it was fire!!! 🔥🔥 

Starting with my last P day the whole district got together and we played some kickball which was an absolute party!! 🥳 Overall it was a really chill day and it was super nice to have a break. 

Sunday was awesome!! At like 1:00 we did a "Go and Do Experience." We started out with meeting in one of the big buildings and had a quick spiritual thought and talked about what we should do for the rest of the time. We then all split up and just did personal study for 2 hours and it was sooo good!! I found a firey Elder Holland talk and learned a lot. After dinner we had a devotional which was also just super good and spiritual. We finished with singing a really powerful hymn and it was hekkin spiritual. Then we all got together with our district and talked about what we enjoyed and it was just a really good experience. I'm definitely looking forward to Sunday each week. 

Monday followed the usually schedule but I GOT A PACKAGE. My mom sent me so many good snacks including her famous chex mix. We downed almost the entire bag in one night and now we all want more (looking at you mom).

Tuesday was also really good. We have devotionals on Tuesday nights so we don't have our evening class which is super awesome. Abby's brother is a service missionary and so he'll come down on Tuesdays for the devotionals. She made me some tasty snickerdoodles and sent them with him. That was definitely the best part of my day. We had a power outage during dinner and the lights wouldn't come on so they were thinking they might have to cancel the devotional. But the choir was already in there practicing for the devotional and RIGHT as they finished singing their last song the lights came back on!! It was super cool and definitely a miracle. At night some of the guys in the district came over to our room and we had a move night (we watched the chosen) and we finished off the rest of my moms chex mix. 

Friday we started full immersion so now our teachers speak no English when they teach us. 

Overall it was a good week and I'm not dead so that's a plus

Context for pictures 
- Our zone
- Movie night with the other elders
- Us at the Devotional on Sunday
- the next three are us during the power outage
- 2 pics of the district
- Our teacher, Schaap きょうだい, next to a firey drawing of himself
- Me and my comp, Elder Miller,  with a cool mural of Moses parting the red sea
- And the rest you can probably figure out 

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