Saturday, July 22, 2023

the one where he saw miracles

This was hands down the best week I've had as a missionary...

Starting on Tuesday I got more cookies from Abby which were absolutely fire and definitely helped cheer up the whole district. They lasted an hour XD. Those and a devotional are the perfect way to spend a Tuesday. 

On Wednesday were sitting in class when we saw a flash of lightning in the distance, then another one, and another. Then it started to pour rain! We got let out for a break from class for like 10 minutes and we all sprinted down the stairs and got outside. Most of our district spent the entire break running around outside just in pure joy and happiness. It's so nice to have times in the week where things don't follow the usual schedule and you get surprised. During dinner I was looking for my Man Erik Youngberg because I knew he was at the MTC but I wasn't able to find him. 

Thursday was hands down the best day I've had as a missionary. After working out with my comp, we were walking past the MTC store and God put a thought into my head to look into the store and see if Erik was there and low and behold he was standing right there. I sprinted over to him and had one of the most joyful and comforting hugs of my life. It truly was a miracle and that single moment has carried me and given me so much motivation and happiness. It truly dawned on me just how important each and every one of my friends is to me and I cant wait to see some more come to the MTC while I'm here.

Context for Pics:

- Us at the field last P Day
- Elder Hogge and I
- One of our teachers had a B day
- Us in the rain 
- Movie Night
- And me and Erik ( he wanted me to note that his mouth was full of food)

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