Sunday, August 6, 2023

the one where he saw storms

Had myself another slow week...everyday is pretty much the exact same XD. 

Tuesday I got more cookies and another devotional which is now by far the best part of each week. My entire district is always looking forward to getting cookies each week. It was also my brother's birthday so I got to talk with him which was good because my entire family is going on a camping trip on Saturday so I'm not able to talk with them. 

Thursday me and some of the guys in our district saw a cool lightning storm in the distance. Naturally we went up to one of the top floors in a nearby building and just sat and watched it for like 20 minutes. Might not sound very exciting but man was it awesome! 

We've been playing volleyball pretty much everyday now and it's been a blast! Hopefully next week I break my arm or something so I have something good to talk about XD. 

As always if you have any questions feel free to email me and ask! 

Context for Pics (sorry there aren't a lot this week)

-Finally got a Pic of me and my cousin Jared
- Me and one of the english elders I came to be good friends with (his district called me Elder Chill because I would always give them snacks) sadly he left this week
-The district
-Me and Elder Sonomura during a devo review 
-A bat we saw walking into the cafe 
- Elder Gutierrez lost a bet so he had to sleep in the hall XD

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