Monday, September 11, 2023

the one where he helped someone move

Man yall are gonna hate me for this one... I got no pics this week 😬😬

Starting on Monday we had a pretty good p day, we got to sleep in, played lots of basketball, and ate some good food. 

Tuesday we had district council and then had a pretty average day. The new schedule is: get up and get ready, personal study, daily planning, breakfast, comp study, daily contacts, language study, lunch, 12 week ( its another studying thing for me to help learn how to teach better). Lessons or finding people, dinner, then more lessons or finding till 8:30, facebooking (where we find people through facebook), and then finish the day off with working out and getting ready for bed.

Pretty much everyday follows that schedule. Sometimes obviously things get moved around but thats the normal day for us. 

Wednesday followed the schedule but in the afternoon we do 2 hours of service at a local thrift store. We do exactly what you would expect, we hang clothes, move things around, and try to see if there is anything worth getting. We try to do this every wednesday. We also helped move someone. This lady had cats, oh so many cats. We started with taking a bunch of garbage bags to a nearby dumpster. Apparently she wanted everything gone because we took her coffee table and dresser to the dump too. Lasty she wanted us to throw out her MASSIVE MATTRESS. This thing could barely fit through her door and it was sooo fetching heavy. Worst of all, it was COVERED in hair, oh so much cat hair. As were moving it out, I could feel my clothes and hands just collecting hair and other nasty things. Finally we take a break for a second and look at my hands... they were covered in cat hair and a thin layer of some grainy sticky substance. When we finally finished moving it, I thought the only way I'd be clean is by jumping in an incinerator. Safe to say that was the nastiness moving experience I've ever had.

Saturday was the same schedule but usually we play basketball at 7:30pm with tons of people but we couldn't this week because others were using the gym. 

Sunday was pretty relaxed and we tried to get lots of new converts and non members to come to church, sadly not many were able to make it. Then we had another member meal and finished the day off with finding and teaching. 

Overall it was a really good week and it flew by. My comps are really good and have been really good about having me take the lead as much as possible. Japanese is still a struggle and I know that I'm gonna be lost when I get there XD. 

Well thats all for this week and feel free to email me!

P.S. It's a struggle to take pics in the mission field when you aren't surrounded by sisters that want to take tons of pics like in the MTC.

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the one where he finally became a dad

  "Boom, you looking for this?" Starting with Monday, we had kinda a tough P Day and didn't really do much, but I had a lot of...