Monday, September 18, 2023

the one where he lost his companion

 Hellloooo Eeverrybodyy"

- Gru from Despicable Me

For once I actually have some things to talk about! 
Starting on Monday we started the day with some golf, then played some basketball, then went bowling, and finished our p day wit more basketball! It was a pretty fun day but I have now realized that there is nothing to do in Nebraska XD. 

Tuesday we had Zone Conference!! It was great! Elder Gimènez of the seventy was there and had a great talk for us! This took most of our day but after ZC we went to Texas roadhouse (its a tradition) and ate way to much XD. Best part was the rolls that I brought back to the apartment. They fed us for the next couple days. And we finished the day with lessons and finding.

Wednesday we helped out at the thrift store again and got a sick Star Wars Poster, lightsaber, and a bunch of random china plates and bowls (for free 😎). Then the rest of the day was pretty regular

Thursday we had a sick member meal where we got steak and corn (kinda figures). And had a LENGTHY conversation about movies and tv shows we all like. 

Friday was transfers! Sadly my comp, Elder Biegel, got transferred to Omaha, specifically Elmwood. Elder Biegel was a party and we had a ton of fun together... its sad to lose him. So now its just me and Elder Evans! We've been partying it up though, and its kinda nice to have some extra space (I've been sleeping on a mattress in the middle of the floor because there isnt room for it anywhere else. I also didn't have a desk). 

Saturday was nice because we happened to do a lot of service which was a nice way to mix things up. We helped this one lady move, which we thought was only gonna take like an hour at most because, how much can one single lady, in her late 70s, living in an apartment, really have? Turns out a lot... like A LOT. We had to take two trips with the moving van and we filled a truck bed too. Also she had cats. Why does everyone that needs our helping moving have cats? Just like last time, there was cat hair everywhere. We also have a lady in the ward that is super nice and does the laundry for all of our white clothes. She needed some help with her yard. Which she said would only take a half hour but, it took much, much longer. But we got some good chocolate milk so it made it well worth it. After that we taught lessons, found people, and then played basketball from 7:30 to 9:00, which we do every saturday with a bunch of our friends. It was a pretty fun and eventful day.

Sunday we went to church and had another amazing member meal! This time it was a pot roast with some really good strawberry shortcake and german chocolate cake for dessert. 

Overall it was a really good week and I'm loving it here in Nebraska! 

Context for pics:

- Us missing our putts 
- Me and a sick gorilla
- A fire flick at the gas station
- A pic at the capital and the view
- Us getting some sick snow cones

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the one where he finally became a dad

  "Boom, you looking for this?" Starting with Monday, we had kinda a tough P Day and didn't really do much, but I had a lot of...