Tuesday, October 31, 2023

the one where he lost his dad

Sorry for the late email! I'll explain at the bottom! 

Monday we did some grilling for our district P Day and other than that had a pretty chill and regular day

Wednesday night we found out that Evans is getting transferred this week on Friday. He was pretty excited to leave because he's been here 6 months. 

Thursday Evans packed everything up and went around to lots of different people so he could say goodbye. And to explain the email title, your first trainer in the mission field is considered your Dad since hes teaching you everything and now, I'm losing him.

Friday morning Elder Evans headed off to Omaha so I spent the morning with some other elders that were close by and at noon we went to go pickup all our new companions. I'm back in a trio now! My comps are Elder Memmott and Elder Benson. They are super dope and were gonna have a party. Elder Memmott is the new district leader of our new district. They split our old district up and rearranged the companions in each district. We also met this super dope dude named Darlington and he's one of the nicest people I've ever met. He made food for us when we came by and we had an amazing lesson with him. He was the very last lesson of the day and when we got home, he gave us a call making sure we got home safe. Such a dope dude.

Sunday we had a tough time getting our friends to church but we had a fire meal from a member so it all evened out.

Monday was what we call "Miracle Monday." Its called this because instesd of having P-day it was just a regular day and so you’ll often see tons of miracles. We didnt have p day because of Halloween, instead of monday, we get a full P day on Halloween instead of ending the day at 6:00 like usual. It was pretty fun and my oldest sister had a baby so I got to call her and see the new baby. 

So it was a pretty sick week and I really like my new companions. We've had a blast together so far and it'll be a fun time however long we are together. 

Feel free to send emails! 

Context for pics:
- District P Day
- This Vietnamese dude we are teaching named Lanz's apartment...pretty sick right XD
- Evans's last day with Thet, Minn, and Aung
- New comps so new pics at the Gorilla

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