Monday, November 6, 2023

the one where he got his visa

Well had another fire week in Nebraska but I'm not going to be here much longer XD

Starting on Tuesday which was our P day, we all went bowling because there is this local bowling alley that does $2 Tuesdays and so almost the entire zone pulled up (everyone but the sisters XD) and we just had a party. After that, we got lunch and went to the stake center and played lots of games and things as usual.

Wednesday we had another lesson with Darlington who is just the best. This time he gave us some african curry type stuff and then this pepper stew. The pepper stew was crazy because it just had a bunch of fish in it and Elder Benson was not the biggest fan of it XD. After eating though, Darlington agreed to get baptized which is super exciting and we are going to start really working with him to see him get baptized. Sadly his baptismal date is after I'm leaving to Japan.

Thursday I got my VISA! I'm leaving for Japan on November 16th with Elder Wynn and Elder Gibson from my MTC district! Should be a party!

The rest of the week was pretty normal and we had some really good lessons and found lots of new people! Super exciting to see these people start to progress. One of the best parts of the week was we had a member sign up for dinner every day but one this week! And the one day we didn't have a member sign up, we were eating dinner with Darlington. We also had an amazing lady in the ward buy all of our groceries for the week. She bought everything from Sam's Club so everything is in bulk so it will feed us for the next couple weeks for sure! Super big blessing this week!

Well thats all I really got for this week...not to much to talk about but I'm super excited that I got my visa and I'm pumped to go to Japan! 

Feel free to email me or ask questions!

Context for pics
- Bowling
- Pizza night with a sick member named brother brown 

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