Monday, October 23, 2023

the one where Tim got baptized

Sorry but I got another long email...

Monday we went to Sam's club for lunch which was absolute fire and sooo cheap which is clutch. Then we went to the church and played lots of fun games and sports. We ended the day with teaching that one suuuper elect dude named Patrick. He's such a sick dude and I love teaching him because I can really see that he cares about what he's learning. It's the best feeling seeing people like that. After each lesson we've had with him I always just take a minute and really realize that this is what missionary work is all about. Ever since I've been able to see that, its really hit me that I can do this for two years, no sweat. I know it'll be difficult but even the lowest of lows are worth it to see people like Patrick. 

Tuesday we had district council and played some football with one of our recent converts, Eric. Hes actually the first person I ever taught, my companions told me that he was a non-member and that I was to teach him all by myself and after inviting him to he baptized, he told me he was already a member XD.

Thursday we had some more african food from Suzannah (this time with shrimp) and that was a TOUGH meal to eat. Hands down the worst thing I've eaten in Nebraska. My comp ended up throwing up later that night and we're pretty sure it was from that. We also met with Tim and got him ready for his baptism on Sunday! He's super dope and we are pumped for his baptism. 

Saturday was crazy! We started with doing some service for a member in our ward. We helped him dig out a rotting fence post and then re-cement it in. That was from like 9:00-12:30. Then right after we helped another member rip apart an old shed as well as move some cement path squares and then helped him with some other random things and that was from 12:30-3:00 then at 3:00 we helped a member's friend move. And apparently you cant help someone move unless they have cats because this is my 4th time moving someone in Nebraska and they have all involved cats, or in this case two cats and a dog. And that took us to 5:40 then we went straight from that to our church because they were doing a chilli cook off with cinnamon rolls. Weird duo but its super big in Nebraska. And then we left straight from that to go play basketball as we always do on saturdays at 7:30. Super fun day and it flew by but man we got no prosoliting done XD. 

Sunday it was Tim's Baptism! We started out with spending the whole beginning of the day getting everything ready and find rides for people to church. Then after church we baptized him and did a font side confirmation. The very first thing Tim said to me after we baptised him was "Man I feel different." Which was awesome to hear and I can tell that Tim is very excited for his fresh start. After all that, we met this sick dude named Chris who is a friend of one of the members in our ward and is dating a different member and wants to start taking lessons from us. Because our week was so busy and full of lessons, we didnt get a lot of time to find people so Sunday night we commited an hour and a half to just find people and it worked pretty well because we found 4 people! 

Overall this was such a good week! It was great to see another person enter the waters of baptism and receive the holy ghost! And it was very refreshing on Saturday to do something other than prosoliting, and instead, just serve people all day.

Feel free to email me any day even though I can only Respond on Mondays! 

Context for pics:

- How To Train Your Dragon meme 
- A sick flick of a bunch of us Elders at District council 
- The hot african food that made my comp puke his guts out 
- Tim's baptism  

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