Monday, September 25, 2023

the one where he baptized Aung

I had another great week in Yankee Hill! Time really is starting to fly by!

Starting on last Monday we went to Honest Abes for lunch. Its a REALLY good burger place and it was a great way to start the day. After that we went to the church and played lots of games with other missionaries from our zone. And ended the day with lessons and finding.

Tuesday we had district council and then just more finding and lessons

Thursday we got 2 new people on date for baptism! Its super fun to be able to really get to know people while you teach and start to see them change.

Friday we had Aung's baptismal interview which he passed! So we're baptizing him on Sunday! We also got another person on date for Baptism!! We're really starting to get into a good rhythm! 

Saturday we got another one on date for baptism! We now have 6 people on date to get baptized! This week has been going so well! We finished the day with basketball like always which is always sooo much fun.

Sunday was Aungs baptism! It was awesome! He is the brother of Thet and Minn, the other two kids we baptized when I first got here. And I got the opportunity to be the one that actually baptized him! It was such a cool experience and I'm so glad Aung chose to get baptized! We also had lots of non members come to church which was such a blessing! 

Overall this was one of the best weeks I've had so far in the mission! It was such a great week full of tons of success! I love being able to see everyone we are teaching change and progress!

Feel free to send me emails whenever! I can only respond on Mondays but I love reading them throughout the week!

Context for pics:

-Honest Abes
- A pic of the trio before elder Biegel left (forgot to put it in last week)
- Aungs baptism!
- A fire flick of the fam last week when I called home

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