Sunday, December 17, 2023

the one with the new elders

"Boom you looking for this?"

Starting with Monday we went to a zoo for P day which was super sick and I got tons of pics on the album. After the zoo we went to the Kobe church and played spikeball. That was pretty much the whole P day but it was still a ton of fun.

Tuesday we ate a new restaurant for district council and tried some good korean chicken. Pretty much everyday is following the usual schedule. 

Wednesdays we met up with this sick dude named Yaw and hes african. Hes super sick and seems kinda interested in the gospel. We went to lunch with him and we are hoping to keep meeting with him. 

Saturday was a big day! During lunch we had two new elders that pulled up to the apartment. One of them is a brand new elder and the other is gonna be heading out in February. So now we have them living with us! Its super fun having 4 elders at our apartment. We also have sisters in this area so there are now 3 sets of missions all over the same area. 

Sunday was a pretty regular day but it was super fun to have 6 missionaries at church! We also had a member meal for dinner which was awesome! He ended up feeding us okonomiyaki which was super good but we had eaten it already for lunch which was pretty funny. 

Super fun week but man was it long. We've been looking forward to next week with Christmas and everything so it was such a slow week. 

Dinner with the new elders

went to the zoo for district pday

I'm up 6-5

lots of zoo pics upcoming

an absolute chiller

got myself some dippin dots

sloth ig

best companionship out there

the sickest monkey of all time...just chilling


big boi

banger Korean chicken

ah yeah we back at it 7-6...yours truly is up

8-7 to end the night

he got one but we forgot to get a pic 9-8

10-8 I'm gonna be so poor

pic of the pic of the dogs

Sunday dinner with Nishiyo Family

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the one where he finally became a dad

  "Boom, you looking for this?" Starting with Monday, we had kinda a tough P Day and didn't really do much, but I had a lot of...