Sunday, May 26, 2024

the one with the 奇跡家族

"Boom, you looking for this?"

Well, starting with Wednesday (yeah, it was a short week), we went to a super touristy place called Namba and took a couple of flicks. We spent the rest of the day going around to shops around there and having a good time.

Friday, we had Zone Conference!!! It was super awesome, and we talked a lot about faith and being bold with the people we are teaching! It was super great, and we learned a lot!! That night, we went to dinner with a friend, which is like the 5th meal we've had with friends this week! It's been so much fun! Also, on our way to Zone Conference, we had a crazy miracle where this lady named Hemmiさん recognized us and wanted to talk with us. Apparently, she had been coming to eikaiwa before the pandemic but lost contact with the missionaries. We invited her to come to eikaiwa, and she said she would bring her husband and daughter! We had a really good conversation and she is so amazing!

Saturday we went to lunch with another one of our friends and then went to Osaka Castle with him after (a really famous place in my area). After that, we had a lesson with one of our friends and then had eikaiwa! It was a ton of fun, and we had like 15 people come this week! And our friend Hemmi came and she brought her whole family and they are SO kind! They loved talking with us and her daughter was really shy at first but I got her to warm up to me and I am now her favorite missionary 😏😏 We also invited them all to come to church and they seemed really excited about it!

Sunday, we had church, and the Hemmi family came! They loved it and had such a great time with us! We talked and we are all gonna get lunch next Saturday and I couldn't be more excited! They are such an awesome family, and I am so excited to see them progress!

Spiritual Thought:

Alma 26:37
Now my brethren, we see that God is mindful of every people, whatsoever land they may be in; yea, he numbereth his people, and his bowels of mercy are over all the earth. Now, this is my joy, and my great thanksgiving; yea, and I will give thanks unto my God forever. Amen.

"But perhaps even more important than speaking is listening. These people are not lifeless objects disguised as a baptismal statistic. They are children of God, our brothers and sisters, and they need what we have. Be genuine. Reach out sincerely. Ask these friends what matters most to them. What do they cherish, and what do they hold dear? And then listen. If the setting is right you might ask what their fears are, what they yearn for, or what they feel is missing in their lives. I promise you that something in what they say will always highlight a truth of the gospel about which you can bear testimony and about which you can then offer more."
–Jeffrey R. Holland

I really don't have much to add... Holland said it perfectly. But, this was SUCH a good week, and it really made me grateful for ALL the people we talk to. I think this is such a good outlook on missionary work and just life in general. 

That's all I got this week! Feel free to email me!

That's all, folks. 

Osaka Castle!

Apparently he's famous or something

Got me a burger😏😏

These are the guys we ate with

Got me some Pizza😏😏

This is the guy we ate with

Same dude we ate Pizza with...he's pretty sick

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

the one in Osaka

 "Boom, you looking for this?"

Well, starting with Tuesday, we went to a zoo which was dope and then got lunch at the HOOP! (It's like the coolest place in Japan) and then hit up this big sky tower and got to see a sick view.

Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday were about the same. Lots of streeting and the usual gig.

Saturday, we had a big stake activity, and we went on a big hike with the stake! We went to Nara Park, which is one of the most famous places in Japan because there are hundreds of deer EVERYWHERE. I got a couple of good flicks, so you'll need to check that out. 

Sunday I got to meet the ward and there are so many of them! We actually have kids in our ward, so that was really refreshing. One of the kids got baptized today, too, so that was so fun to see!

Monday was pretty regular but no P-day because Elder Soares of the 12 apostles pulled up to the mission! Monday night, he had a little devotional for all of the stakes, which was awesome to see!

Tuesday, he had a devotional just for the missionaries, and we all got to shake his hand and meet him. That was super awesome, and he had such a good devotional! He talked about so many things, so I don't even know where to begin, but it was so awesome!

Spiritual Thought:

This is a little bit of what Elder Soares said during the devotional with all of the stakes. (Parts of it are paraphrased)

"Trials and challenges are part of life.
We promised to turn our hearts to the Savior. (Talking about before we came to this earth, in the premortal life).
The Savior is the central part of the plan of salvation. He gave his life so we could change.
We can overcome our hardships when we turn our hearts to the Savior Jesus Christ. Because he went through all pain and infirmities that we could have gone through in this life, he is able to understand any circumstances that we go through in this life. He is able to give us the strength that we need. His bowels are filled with mercy for us. He is there to succor us from any trial, and then he can help us with any tribulations that we have in life. It's not easy, but with the savior, we can do it. He will help turn our trials into stepping stones for eternal life.
Trust in him. Invite him in our lives more. Inviting the Lord will bless us with the spirit to overcome these hard trials and challenges."

For all of the hardships in our lives, we have Christ. He went through all of our pains, with an eternal sacrifice, so that we could have an eternal life. Jesus is the Christ. He is our Redeemer, our Messiah, our Prince of Peace, and our King of Israel. Of this, I earnestly testify. Even in his name, The Savior Jesus Christ, Amen. 

Well, that's all I got this week! Feel free to email me! 

That's all, folks.

We went to this sky tower and it had a sick view

Me and my new comp

Hit up the zoo for my first P day in Osaka

Zoo flicks

Found Master Shifu....'s butt

Gotta get indo curry (uwajima's was much better)


#58...first Osaka dog

Found a dope shrine

Had a stake activity and hit up the deer park in Nara

They got deer everywhere...

Another flick from the top

All the missionaries in our stake

Nice sunsets

Conference with Elder Soares!

Monday, May 13, 2024

the end of a saga

 "Boom, you looking for this?"

Sorry in advance for the long email, but lots of stuff happened this week!

Starting with Monday, we had district P day in Matsuyama, and we hiked to this crazy 60-foot tall buddah statue. We also hit up this crazy shrine and hit up indo Curry for lunch. We also stayed the night in Matsuyama because we had in-person DCM on Tuesday. The ZL's also stayed the night with us, so there we 10 missionaries in a VERY small apartment.

Tuesday, we started with DCM, and then all went to lunch together. After that, we and the ZL's went back to Uwajima for exchanges. Exchanges were awesome, and I was with one of my favorite elders, Elder Noda. He served in Uwajima about a year ago, so he was very excited to see all of his old friends and stuff. And of course, we got crepes together. At the end of the day, we got transfer calls, and it turns out that I am going to Osaka🤯. I was not expecting to get transferred, so I couldn't believe it when I saw it. 

Wednesday, we finished our exchanges and then played more ball with our boys. It was bittersweet, though, because it was my last day with them. Luckily, for my last day, I hit a nice home run, and it was the perfect end to a saga. I also FINALLY got a flick with the whole gang.

Thursday, we spent a chunk of the day packing and then had eikaiwa, which was great! Our deaf, homless friend, Wada, pulled up, and we had a good time.

Friday, we left to toyo for more exchanges and had a great time with Elder Lau and Elder Anderson. We went to a castle in their area and talked to lots of people! It was another good day.

Saturday, we decided to skip breakfast and lunch so we could have two hours for dinner. We made it back to our area and hit up the all you can eat indo curry place for the last time, and boy, did we GRUB 😏

Sunday, we got up for church and said goodbye to all of the members. I finished packing the last few things, and then we were off! We went all the way to okayama (really far) and stayed the night there with like 14 other elders. 

Monday, we got up and headed up to our areas. I passed through Nishinomiya (my first area), which was cool to see again. Then I finally got to my area and started working...imma need some prayers this transfer. But it could be fun! 

Spiritual Thought:

Alma 13:28-29

But that ye would humble yourselves before the Lord, and call on his holy name, and watch and pray continually, that ye may not be tempted above that which ye can bear, and thus be led by the Holy Spirit, becoming humble, meek, submissive, patient, full of love and all long-suffering; 29 Having faith on the Lord; having a hope that ye shall receive eternal life; having the love of God always in your hearts, that ye may be lifted up at the last day and enter into his rest.

The Lord said we must "pray always." His promises are wonderful. He has told us that we may receive the Spirit by the prayer of faith; that we must "pray continually" that we will not be tempted beyond what we can bear; that we must "counsel with the Lord" in all our doings, night and day; that we must "not perform anything unto the Lord" without praying to the Father in the name of Christ. His marvelous promise is that "he will direct us for good."
–Marion D. Hanks

Prayer is so important!! ESPECIALLY when life gets tough, we just need to pray! I dont have a ton of time, but I emplore to pray always! You will see so many miracles if you do!

Well, that's all I got this week! Feel free to email me!

That's all, folks.

. 5 with the guys--softball gang

Quick foot bath

Super sick area with Buddha statues...but we can't figure out how to get in

We made it to the end of the tunnel

Close up with the statues

Finally made it out of the tunnel

We hiked to a massive Buddha statue

We found a wild book...

Dog #55

Last ping pong night

Another flick of my last ping pong night

Ping pong flicks

New flicks on the bull...

Crepes with my man Elder Noda

Hit up a shrine with Elder Noda

Finally got THE flick...

Our cute little neighbor kids that always come up
and tell us EVERYTHING on their minds

Dogs 56 and 57

Exchanges in Toyo

Gotta flick up with the BoM

Another flick of the shrine at Imabari Jo

Hard to see but I got a firefly on my wrist

Turns out I REALLY like fireflies...

Got a flick of the firefly

All you can eat indo curry...this is just the beginning

First salad

Shish kebabs

Chow mein

Garlic chicken and chicken wings

More chicken

Cheese naan and curry

More naan..

Last curry and nan

All done 😋

Last day at church 😥

Most of our branch members and our homeless friend on the left

Saying goodbye to the uratas


the one where he finally became a dad

  "Boom, you looking for this?" Starting with Monday, we had kinda a tough P Day and didn't really do much, but I had a lot of...