Tuesday, May 21, 2024

the one in Osaka

 "Boom, you looking for this?"

Well, starting with Tuesday, we went to a zoo which was dope and then got lunch at the HOOP! (It's like the coolest place in Japan) and then hit up this big sky tower and got to see a sick view.

Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday were about the same. Lots of streeting and the usual gig.

Saturday, we had a big stake activity, and we went on a big hike with the stake! We went to Nara Park, which is one of the most famous places in Japan because there are hundreds of deer EVERYWHERE. I got a couple of good flicks, so you'll need to check that out. 

Sunday I got to meet the ward and there are so many of them! We actually have kids in our ward, so that was really refreshing. One of the kids got baptized today, too, so that was so fun to see!

Monday was pretty regular but no P-day because Elder Soares of the 12 apostles pulled up to the mission! Monday night, he had a little devotional for all of the stakes, which was awesome to see!

Tuesday, he had a devotional just for the missionaries, and we all got to shake his hand and meet him. That was super awesome, and he had such a good devotional! He talked about so many things, so I don't even know where to begin, but it was so awesome!

Spiritual Thought:

This is a little bit of what Elder Soares said during the devotional with all of the stakes. (Parts of it are paraphrased)

"Trials and challenges are part of life.
We promised to turn our hearts to the Savior. (Talking about before we came to this earth, in the premortal life).
The Savior is the central part of the plan of salvation. He gave his life so we could change.
We can overcome our hardships when we turn our hearts to the Savior Jesus Christ. Because he went through all pain and infirmities that we could have gone through in this life, he is able to understand any circumstances that we go through in this life. He is able to give us the strength that we need. His bowels are filled with mercy for us. He is there to succor us from any trial, and then he can help us with any tribulations that we have in life. It's not easy, but with the savior, we can do it. He will help turn our trials into stepping stones for eternal life.
Trust in him. Invite him in our lives more. Inviting the Lord will bless us with the spirit to overcome these hard trials and challenges."

For all of the hardships in our lives, we have Christ. He went through all of our pains, with an eternal sacrifice, so that we could have an eternal life. Jesus is the Christ. He is our Redeemer, our Messiah, our Prince of Peace, and our King of Israel. Of this, I earnestly testify. Even in his name, The Savior Jesus Christ, Amen. 

Well, that's all I got this week! Feel free to email me! 

That's all, folks.

We went to this sky tower and it had a sick view

Me and my new comp

Hit up the zoo for my first P day in Osaka

Zoo flicks

Found Master Shifu....'s butt

Gotta get indo curry (uwajima's was much better)


#58...first Osaka dog

Found a dope shrine

Had a stake activity and hit up the deer park in Nara

They got deer everywhere...

Another flick from the top

All the missionaries in our stake

Nice sunsets

Conference with Elder Soares!

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the one where he finally became a dad

  "Boom, you looking for this?" Starting with Monday, we had kinda a tough P Day and didn't really do much, but I had a lot of...