Saturday, August 19, 2023

the one where he got reassigned

For the first time in wayyy to long I actually had an eventful week!!

Starting with Tuesday I got more cookies and we had a super awesome devotional! Before the devotional our district was talking about who we thought was going to be speaking and me and Elder Gibson totally called who it was gonna be! When waiting for the devotional to start the MTC president told us that Elder Bednar would be the one giving the devotional! Me and Elder Gibson were ecstatic! After the devotional I got the opportunity to give Sister Guth a blessing which was my first time doing so and it was such a good experience.

On Thursday I found out that one of my best friends of all time, Ethan White, is coming to the MTC next Wednesday and he is going to be in MY BRANCH! I'm so fetching excited and I can't wait to see him! Wednesday can't come soon enough!

Friday was a big day. It started with pretty much no sleep as I stayed up until 3 to say goodbye to an Elder that's in an older Japanese district. After saying goodbye to him we stayed up till 4 to send off the next elder. Finally we took a nap from like 4:15 - 5:15 and then dropped off the last Elder at 5:30. On top of that we were fasting for our reassignments so I was really dead XD. We got our reassignments at like 11:15 and I'm going to OMAHA NEBRASKA! It was super exciting and 3 other elders in my district (Gibson, Gutierrez, and Wynn) also are going there with me! On top of that one of the Vietnamese Elders (Elder Vincent) is going there with us! I'm sooo excited and I can't wait to get to Nebraska now!! 

Overall it was a really good week and I'm so grateful for my reassignment (I'm so ready to get out of the MTC)

Context for pics:

- Me and my cousin's cousin Kai 
- A beautiful rendition of Popcorn popping on the apricot tree with sucker whistles
- Me and my Man Will Bennion who I didn't know was here until I saw him. It was so good to see someone from back home
- Our district before we got our reassignments and our guesses for everyone
- The elders in my district that are going to Omaha Nebraska 
- Our entire districts reassignments 
- Two of the Elders that I said goodbye to at the butt Crack of dawn.
- One of the elders got his key card stuck in the fountain.  

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